Therapeutic Communication Strategies in Nursing Process of Angry, Anxious, and Fearful Schizophrenic Patients
The therapeutic communication, nursing process, Skizofrenia patientsAbstract
Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic disorders with primary personality disorders, characteristic distortions of thought processes. Schizophrenic disorders are characterized by fundamental and characteristic distortions of thought and perception and incompatible or blunted effects. Anger, anxiety, and fear are the most common hallucinations in Schizophrenic patients. These feelings drive the continued negative behaviour of the Schizophrenic patient. The therapeutic communication technique in the nursing process is one of the techniques in the healing process of patients, especially those with mental disorders nursing problems. This study was conducted based on anxiety about the results of observations, preliminary research, and reports obtained about the number of therapy failures for Schizophrenic patients caused by communication errors during treatment. In this study, researchers aimed to determine the Therapeutic Communication of Nurses to Patients. This qualitative research uses a Quasy-experimental design using a One-Group Pre-Post Test Design research design. The conclusion emerged in the study that 22 people (88%) of respondents were in the Bad category in controlling negative thoughts. Meanwhile, three respondents (12%) have an excellent ability to control negative thoughts. There are also research results that show 3 variables that support effective and efficient therapeutic communication. These are Build Trust, Troubleshooting with Constructive Coping, and Giving Appreciation.