Covid-19 Prevention Model in People with Diabetes Mellitus Based on Health Promotion Model


  • Anggun Hidayatur Rahmi Master of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia



Diabetes Mellitus, Prevention, Covid-19, Health Promotion Model


Diabetes mellitus is identified as one of the factors of COVID-19. People with diabetes, when infected with COVID-19, will experience worse clinical symptoms. This study aims to develop a model for preventing COVID-19 in people with diabetes mellitus using the Health Promotion Model theory from Nola J Pender. This study used a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was diabetes mellitus patients at Al Mustofa Lamongan Clinic. The sample size was 110 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The variables in this study are biological factors, previous behavioral factors, psychological factors, sociocultural factors, cognition and affection, family support factors, and prevention of COVID-19 in people with diabetes mellitus. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS). Psychological actors (motivation, personality, anxiety) influenced factors of cognition and affection. Psychological actors influence family support factors. Sociocultural factors (education, norms, and social networks) influence family support. Cognition and affection factors (barriers, benefits, and self-efficacy) influence COVID-19 prevention behaviors. Family support factors (emotional, instrumental, reward, and informational support) influence COVID-19 prevention behavior in people with diabetes mellitus with a statistical T value of > 1.96. Improving the prevention of COVID-19 for people with diabetes mellitus is carried out by increasing one's understanding of the benefits and barriers of preventing COVID-19 and increasing self-efficiency. Family involvement in COVID-19 prevention and its active role in improving COVID-19 prevention. Active family involvement in COVID-19 prevention can increase confidence to behave according to the expectations of important people such as family. Family plays an essential role in prevention efforts.






Research Article

How to Cite

Rahmi, A. H. (2023). Covid-19 Prevention Model in People with Diabetes Mellitus Based on Health Promotion Model. British Journal of Nursing Studies, 3(1), 55-63.