Finding Meaning in Meaninglessness: Comparative Reflections on Rumi and Kafka’s Literary Thoughts


  • Zubaida Nusrat Post Doctoral Fellow, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia
  • Adibah Binti Abdul Rahim Associate Professor, Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM, Malaysia



Jalal Ad-Din Rumi, Franz Kafka, meaning, absurdity, human condition


This paper examines the metaphysical concept of ‘finding meaning in meaninglessness’ as reflected in the selected works of Jalal Ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a thirteenth-century Persian poet, and Franz Kafka, a modernist Jewish author of the 20th century from Prague. The analysis compares their insights on hope and despair, showing how two literary figures from different eras and religio-cultural traditions address the challenge of finding significance in a meaningless reality. During moments of existential uncertainty, Rumi focuses on the importance of moving beyond the ego to achieve unity with the divine to find true purpose in life; whereas Kafka’s absurdist narratives reveal the profound alienation and anxiety of living, emphasizing the challenge of searching meaning in a complex and indifferent situation. Rumi's approach is grounded in Islamic mysticism and spiritual enlightenment, while Kafka's perspective is marked by Judaic esotericism, existential dread, and the absurdity of existence. Although Rumi’s spiritual optimism and Kafka’s bleak view of existence highlight their differences, both are essential for understanding the broader human condition or experiences of seeking meaning in life, particularly in the context of spiritual and existential crises arising from modernity.






Research Article

How to Cite

Zubaida Nusrat, & Adibah Binti Abdul Rahim. (2024). Finding Meaning in Meaninglessness: Comparative Reflections on Rumi and Kafka’s Literary Thoughts. International Journal of Literature Studies , 4(3), 74-83.