Political Conflict between the DKI Jakarta Governor and DPRD in the 2015 APBD Determination Process
Conflict, Governor, DKI Jakarta DPRD, 2015 APBDAbstract
The purpose of this study is to describe the political conflict between the DKI Jakarta Governor and the Regional People's Representative Assembly (DPRD) in the 2015 APBD Determination Process. The design method used is a qualitative case study. The research was carried out in DKI Jakarta in 2015. Primary data were obtained from various documents related to implementing the Healthy Jakarta program held by the DKI Jakarta governor and deputy governor in 2013 through interviews about the object under study. The research object is the Political Conflict between the DKI Jakarta Governor and DPRD in the 2015 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) Determination Process. Observation, interviews, and documentation carried out data collection techniques. The data analysis process began by examining all available data from various sources such as interviews, observations that have been written in field notes, documents, pictures, photos, Etc. After reading, studying, and reviewing, the next step was reducing the data by doing abstractions (making the core summary, processes, and statements that need to be provided) arranged in units. Then, the units were categorized while coding. The results showed that divided local government occurring in DKI Jakarta is the leading cause of conflict between the DKI Jakarta Governor and DPRD. It shows that the divided local government triggers prolonged conflicts between the Governor and DPRD. The impact of political conflict between the DKI Jakarta Governor and DPRD has disrupted the government path in DKI Jakarta Province. It started from the delay in discussing and determining the 2015 Draft of Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBD), the planned transportation megaproject, specifically the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) development project, and budget absorption in the 2014 DKI Jakarta APBD are getting lower.