Flooding Problem and Optimization Strategies in High-density Coastal Cities from the Perspective of Green Development: The Macau Peninsula as an Example


  • Huiyu Zhu Faculty of Innovation and Design, City University of Macau, Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira Taipa, SAR Macau, China https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2283-253X
  • Yuqiang Mo Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China2.Faculty of Innovation and Design, City University of Macau, Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira Taipa, SAR Macau, China https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4901-3692




High-density coastal cities; Macau; flooding problems; green spaces


Taking Macao, a high-density coastal city, as an example, this paper discusses and analyzes the current urban problems and the causes of waterlogging. Based on the green development perspective, applied planning strategies such as shaping a resilient and safe protective substrate, using facade greening, and constructing multi-level green space are proposed under the premise of protecting the current situation. It reduces the impact of disaster occurrence and provides a reference for the sustainable development of high-density cities in Macau.






Research Article

How to Cite

Zhu, H., & Mo, Y. (2022). Flooding Problem and Optimization Strategies in High-density Coastal Cities from the Perspective of Green Development: The Macau Peninsula as an Example. International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies, 2(1), 88-92. https://doi.org/10.32996/ijahs.2022.2.1.11