Professors and Students’ Attitudes Towards the Impact of Digital Media on Higher Education in Morocco


  • TAOUFIK ALAOUI HICHAMI Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco
  • SANA SAKALE Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco



media, Digital Media, Higher Education, Morocco


Digital Media is a significant tool for educators and students alike to reconsider their educational viewpoints and build a better educational environment; using media for educational purposes allows educators and students to become "Global/Digital Citizens" capable of discussing issues related to "Digital Citizenship" in the hope of bridging the "Digital Divide" between students as "Digital Natives" and educators as "Digital Immigrants.". The concept of Digital Citizenship (Ribble and Bailey, 2007; Mossberger and Tolbert, 2008; Ribble, 2012; Choi, 2016; Ribble and Park, 2019; Whitehead, 2019) implies the significant role of Digital Media in higher education in Morocco. This quantitative study explores university professors and university students’ attitudes on the impact of Digital Media on higher education in Morocco. The results of this study highlight the existing gap in digital practices and of Digital Media and the potential benefits it has to offer in higher education in Morocco.

Author Biography

  • SANA SAKALE, Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco

    Dr. SAKALE Sana is currently an associate professor in the Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts (FLLA) at Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco. She teaches different subjects related to English Studies in general. She has worked as EFL (English as a Foreign Language) at Higher Schools of Engineering (CPGE). She has also worked as EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher in urban and rural areas for about twenty years. During the summer of 2013, she had the chance to teach as ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher in Worcester, Boston, Mass, USA. She holds a Master’s Degree in Feminism from the faculty of Humanities and a Doctorate Degree in “Analyse et Evaluation des Systèmes d’Education et de Formation” from the faculty of Sciences of Education, Rabat, Morocco. 






Research Article

How to Cite

ALAOUI HICHAMI, T., & SAKALE, S. (2024). Professors and Students’ Attitudes Towards the Impact of Digital Media on Higher Education in Morocco. International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies, 4(2), 17-22.